
Playlista - 09 Kwiecień 2016

Nemezis Woarship - 09.04.2016

DESTRÖYER 666 - Die You Fucking Pig 3:00 - Wildfire - Season Of Mist Records 2016
IMPIOUS BAPTISM - Temple of Necromancy 6:43 - Wrath of the Apex Predator - Hells Headbangers Records 2013
GRAVELAND - In the Northern Carpathians 5:10 - Carpathian Wolves - Eternal Devils 1994
HELLSPAWN - There Has Never Been a Son of Me 7:03 - There Has Never Been a Son of Me - Old Temple 2016
NAZGHOR - Craft of the Nihilist 4:28 - Death's Withered Chants - 2016
ORKAN - Fanden på veggen 9:25 -  Livlaus - Dark Essence 2015
DÖDFÖDD- Kvarlåtenskap 6:10 - Förfall, undergång och död - Demo 2001
AGGRESSOR - Political Incapacity 3:02 - Crisis - 2010
AGGRESSOR - Ja 3:38 - Crisis - 2010
COLD NORTHERN VENGEANCE -The Darkness of Once Was 6:46 - Maelstrom - Moribund 2015
WEEPING BIRTH - Surface 2:51 - The Crushed Harmony - Apathia Records 2015
WEEPING BIRTH - Resurrection of Resentment 2:46 - The Crushed Harmony - Apathia Records 2015
RESUSCITATION - Eviscerated Divinity 4:47 - Eviscerated Divinity - Iron Bonehead Productions 2015
RESUCITATION - Putrescent Summoning 6:06 - Eviscerated Divinity - Iron Bonehead Productions 2015
PYROMANCER - Barbaric Wrath 3:07 - Demo MMXV - Godz Ov War 2016
PYROMANCER - Abyssal Crucifixion 1:54 - Demo MMXV - Godz Ov War 2016
VEILED - Omniscient Veil I 7:48 - Omniscient Veil - Iron Bonehead Productions 2015
BÖLZER -  Labyrinthian Graves 12:48 - Soma - Invictus Productions 2014