
Playlista - 12 Marzec 2015

INFERNAL WAR - Into Dead Soil  4:00 - Anxiom - Agonia Records 2015
INFERNAL WAR - Transfigure 3:28 - Anxiom - Agonia Records 2015
IN SILENT- Czerwony Parszywy Chłam 3:06 - Potępienie - Self Released 2013
IN SILENT - Potępienie 2:30 - Potępienie - Self Released 2013
FREEZING BLOOD -The Cult of the Black Sun 3:39 - Desecration Rituals - Putrid Cult 2014
MAMMON - Uniesieni Nonsensem 4:39 - Przebłysk Boskości - Self Released 2014
KURHAN - Katedra 4:16 - Głód - Arachnophobia Records 2015
KURHAN - Czas 4:34 - Głód - Arachnophobia Records 2015
LAGO - I 4:53 - Tyranny - Blood Harvest 2015
LAGO - Reckoning 7:40 - Tyranny - Blood Harvest 2015
EMBRIONAL - 910 4:07 - The Devil Inside - Old Temple 2015
EMBRIONAL - Whores, Drugs and Brain Dead  2:54 - The Devil Inside - Old Temple 2015
OUTRE - Chant 3 - The Fall 5:04 - Ghost Chants - Godz Ov War Productions 2015
OUTRE - Chant 7 - Arrival - 7:40 - Ghost Chants - Godz Ov War Productions 2015
STUTTHOF - 9:34 - And Cosmos from Ashes to Dust... - 2004 Drama Company
DEVATHORN - Verba Inermis 7:53 - Vritra - W.T.C. 2015
ACHERONTAS - Therionic Transformation 8:29 - Ma- Ion 'Formulas Of Reptilian Unification'  - W.T.C. 2015
ATOMIZER - The Only Weapon of Choice - 13 Odes to Power, Decimation and Conquest - Agonia Records 2004
ILL OMEN - Radiant Behest of Excessum 14:40 - Compendium Melificarum - Esoterica - NWN! 2015
ILL OMEN - Sentinels Beneath A Heaving Earth 5:00 - Compendium Melificarum - Esoterica - NWN! 2015
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