
Playlista - 26 Luty 2015

INFERNUS -  Intro 0:37 - Grinding Christian Flesh - Moribund 2015
INFERNUS - Grinding Christian Flesh 4:13 - Grinding Christian Flesh - Moribund 2015
INFERNUS - Crush the Jewish Prophet (Inquisition cover) 3:14 - Grinding Christian Flesh - Moribund 2015
DEATHSTORM  - Victims of mental enslavement 5:41 - Nechesh - Psycho 2013
NAGUAL - Popiol Marzen  5:01 - Zgliszcza - Putrid Cult 2013
DEADTHORN - Blogoslawiony w grzechu 4:23 - Belua Multorum Capitum - Dark Omens 2014
PROFANITY ANGEL - Black Dawn Witnesses 4:01 - Acts of Desecration and Blasphemy - Putrid Cult 2014
PROFANITY ANGEL - Domination 5:15 - Acts of Desecration and Blasphemy - Putrid Cult 2014
ROTTEN AGE - Bluzniercy 3:24 - Zgnilizna Dziejów - Self Released2014
ARIES VEHEMENS - Dark Stigmat 4:21 - Decade of Necrosodomy - Putrid Cult 2014
ARAGON -  WITCHCULT - I 6:33 - Reh: Witchcult & 11-11-11 - Putrid Cult 2012
SLAV - Slavic Cold  5:09 - Frost and slow death - Putrid Cult 2015
KRIEGSMASCHINE - Beyond The Veil - Altered States of Divinity  5:13 -  Todeskult 2005
DAREN - Czelusci 3:50 - Słowa - Putid Cult 2013
DEADLY FROST -Burning Heaven 3:33 - Voices from Hell -  Fallen Angel 2012
DEADLY FROST - Idziemy przez las (Siekiera cover) 4:05 - Voices from Hell - Fallen Angel 2012
CHRIST AGONY - Prophetical part III - Live Apocalypse - Apocalypse Productions 2002
DECLINE OF THE I - Hexenface 7:58 - Rebellion - Agonia Records 2015
IN COLD WIND - The beginning of the Apocalypse 4:45 - Dead earth 2014
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